8 popular stops in Litchfield national Park, Australia: A Day excursion travel plan

on that bus, I was the only one below 40.

As I made my way to my seat, I was greeted with cheery hello’s by a bus-ful of middle aged to senior tourists, all ready to explore the wilderness. It was not my normal travel company, but it was a welcome addition to my growing list of first times here in Australia. The bus, or instructor as locals call it, was bound for Litchfield national Park, 100 km southwest of Darwin, roughly an hour-and-a-half drive.

Traveling with people not my age was a breath of fresh air. As the youngest of the bunch, everyone seemed to be very protective of me. (“Watch your step, dear.“) and everyone was amused by the littlest things. (“That’s a long stick, honey.“) She was referring to the monopod. It was an satisfying ride, needless to say.

Our motorist guide for the day was Warren, armed with a terrific personality and an even greater sense of humor. how he was able to turn what could have been a snoozefest-ish drive into a humorous but highly informative journey was astonishing. He did have a lot of help from nature, though. Along the way we identified a dingo wandering by the roadside and a wallaby trying to outrun the bus coach. but that’s not everything this park has to offer.

Our excursion organizer was AAT Kings (Aussie Adventures)
Established in 1986, Litchfield national Park was named after Frederick Henry Litchfield, a member of the Finnis Expedition a pioneering exploration of the northern Territory. The 1500-sq. km sprawling land is covered in bush, woodlands, and monsoon forests, that have nurtured a large variety of wildlife including the agile wallaby, northern brushtail possum, flying foxes, the dingo, and the prone ghost bat. The land is scribbled with rocky rivers that are punctuated by thundering waterfalls. It will take days to explore much of the park, but here’s what is in store for you must you take one of those popular day tours. (We booked ours with ATTKings!)


1. Batchelor Town
2. Cathedral Termite Mounds
3. Magnetic Termite Mounds
4. Florence Falls
5. Buley Rockhole
6. Litchfield Cafe
7. Tolmer Falls
8. Wangi Falls

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1. Batchelor Town

The first time the bus pulled over was in a small town of Batchelor. I hopped out and followed the scent of sweet coffee that filled the freezing morning air and found a small al fresco cafe sprawling under the shade of a gigantic banyan tree.

Too creepy
A banyan tree next to a cafe in Batchelor
At first glance, the township doesn’t look like anything a lot more than being that place you pass through before entering Litchfield. but this sleepy hollow is rich in history. during world war II, it was transformed into an air base. The town seemed to have taken a nap when the war was over, only to be reawakened when uranium was discovered nearby in 1949 up until 1963.

2. Cathedral Termite Mounds

When we entered the park, we were captivated by curious structures that stick out from the ground. At first there were only a few, but the deeper into Litchfield we got, the a lot more they became common. Termite mounds, they turned out.

Cathedral Termite Mound. See how tall it is compared to the two tourists next to it?
“There are two types of termites in Australia,” our guide said as everyone began gathering around a 4m-tall heap. “Those that eat lawn and those that eat wood. This is the home of a grass-eating colony,” he said while touching one side of the mound. It is just one of the lots of Cathedral Termite Mounds that rise from the reddish land of the top End.

Each mound is home to a colony of cathedral termites, so-called for the similarity of the mounds they built to medieval cathedrals.

3. Magnetic Termite Mounds

Magnetic Termite Mounds in Litchfield national Park
Just across the street from the gigantic Cathedral Termite Mound is a sea of another type of termite shelters. Wildly different from their neighbors, these mounds are erected by magnetic termites (of genus Amitermes). The mounds are typically called “compasses” for their natural north-south orientation, thereby lessening exposure to and avoiding the heat of the sun.

4. Florence Falls

A trip to Litchfield national Park is actually a waterfall crawl. and the crawl kicks off with our first step into the grounds of Florence Falls, a double waterfall that plunges 9.8 to 15 meters on a series of tiers. Its tallest drop pours amazing water into a pool that has been a favorite swimming spot for visitors.

View of the Florence Falls from the checking out deck
The plunge pool at the base of Florence Falls
There are two options to get there from the designated vehicle parking space: by means of the Florence Creek walk or Shady Creek Walk. I took the shorter route — Florence Creek walk — to get to the cascade, and used the other one on my way back. The Shady Creek path takes hikers through a monsoon fOrest și apoi pe un pădure de savană. Mulți dintre tovarășii mei nu au ajuns la piscina de jos, deoarece deja se temeau cât de greu ar fi să urci înapoi. Unii s -au stabilit de pârâu.

„Nu există crocodili cu apă sărată aici”, a împărtășit Warren. „Locul este prea mare și abrupt pentru ca sărăcile să ajungă. Piscina este perfect sigură pentru o înot. ”

5. Buley Rockhole

Buley Rockhole este o serie de găuri de stâncă. Bazinele sale în cascadă fac cel mai bine pentru o scufundare răcoritoare.

6. Litchfield Cafe

Excursie cu elicopterul peste Litchfield
După o scufundare rapidă, a venit timpul pentru prânz. Autobuzul nostru a tras nu departe de locul în care a început să decoleze un elicopter. Aparent, Litchfield Cafe este, de asemenea, un punct de salt pentru cei care iau excursia cu elicopterul peste parc (sau în partea de sus, dacă aveți mult mai mult timp și bani). Plimbarea începe de la 79 aud, lucru pe care nu -l puteam permite, așa că am intrat în cafenea pentru un prânz sănătos atât de necesar!

Prânzul a fost inclus în pachetul de excursii, dar sunteți gratuit să cumpărați mult mai mult pe cheltuiala dvs., desigur.

7. Tolmer Falls

Vederea lui Tolmer Falls de pe puntea de privire
Tolmer Falls este, după părerea mea, cea mai spectaculoasă din cele trei cascade pe care le -am văzut în acea zi. Tolmer Creek face o scufundare de la 102 metri deasupra nivelului mării și formează o cascadă îngustă de 32-42m care stropește într-o piscină cu scufundări. Piscina este înconjurată de stânci de gresie, care au protejat lilieci fantomă și lilieci de potcoavă portocalie. Această priveliște minunată poate fi luată de pe o platformă de privire, departe de site.

8. Wangi Falls

Probabil cel mai popular dintre toate atracțiile din Litchfield, Wangi Falls este, de asemenea, cel mai accesibil. Nu este nevoie de drum pentru a ajunge la bazinul său de captură la baza sa (spre deliciul însoțitorilor mei)! Dar pentru cei care doresc să o facă pe calea grea, traseele de mers sunt disponibile și!

Wangi Falls
Turiști la Wangi Falls
Wangi coboară de la 84 m deasupra nivelului mării pe o serie de niveluri. Există două cascade, cu cea din idealul obținând o cotă mai mare.

Există crocodili de apă dulce în piscină, dar în mod normal mănâncă pește și lasă oamenii în pace. Cu toate acestea, în timpul sezonului umed și după precipitații semnificative, piscina este închisă și înotul este interzis. Adesea, atunci când pârâul inundă, crocodilul cu apă sărată se mută. Sărăsul sunt cunoscuți pentru a ataca oamenii.

Unde să stai: Darwin este cel mai apropiat oraș important. Darwin Yha Hostel folosește spații de cazare la prețuri accesibile ideale în centrul orașului și cu conexiune rapidă la internet. Sunt disponibile și excursii de zi.

Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea aici
Unde să rezervați tururi: am fost rezervat cu AAT Kings, un operator de excursie de frunte în Australia și Noua Zeelandă. Consultați excursiile ghidate la: www.aatkings.com.

Mai multe idei pe YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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